Be a part of the worship
Church services are not just about the leader and the people. Acts of worship are collaborative, and can involve many people with may gifts and skills. Being a member of the praying congregation is vital, but perhaps you wish to express yourself in new ways.
At Ss Philip & James, we are fortunate to have an enthusiastic and loyal choir (adults and juniors). They lead the music at our main services, as well as at other times during the main Christian Festivals like Christmas and Easter.
Did you know that you don't need to be a qualified musician to join our choir? If you have a love for singing from a broad repertoire of devotional church music and would be open to a new challenge, then perhaps the choir is the place for you.
The choir meets each Friday for a full practice in the church, at 6.00pm. There they learn new pieces of music and rehearse for the next service.
Voice for Life
The choir is a fully affiliated choir with the Royal School of Church Music, and we are very fortunate that our own choir is lead by qualified singing coach Rosemary Hodi. As part of the development of the choir, Rosemary will be offering nationally accredited courses in voice coaching for those who seek them. We hope to encourage more and more children through this RSCM course as they develop their singing voices for the rest of their life.
We recognise that time is precious and the options for youngsters are many, particularly on a Sunday. As part of the incentive to our younger singers, we offer a small honorarium to our Junior Choristers (under 18) to express our gratitude to them for their service.
Join our Choir
If you are 7 years old or above, we would love to hear from you. If you think you might be interested in joining the choir, email us

Altar Serving
In our particular tradition, or practice, of Christianity, it is normal that the Priests and Readers are assisted by members of the congregation who act as 'Servers'.
Serving at the altar is an interesting way of being part of many of the normal services. To be a Server, you learn about what happens 'behind the scenes' and as part of that, to discover what many things mean.
Serving at the Altar is regarded as a sacred honour, where you can draw very close to the focussed part of the services. Servers organise the church in preparation for worship, provide direct assistance to the presiding priest, and offer leadership to members of the congregation. It is a very prayerful way of life, too - with every action and activity having its own meaning and importance.
If you would like to join our team of Altar Servers, please contact us
And more ...
There are, of course, other ways in which you can give of your time to enhance our weekly round of worship. If you are unsure what path to take, please speak to The Vicar directly.