With you every step of the way
Our lives, in whatever measure we are granted, are marked out by the high points and low points, the joys and the tragedies. It is part of the life of our parish that we are there for you when you need us. As representatives of Christ on earth, we are ready to walk beside you - to celebrate with you, or to mourn with you. As a Church of England parish, we are uniquely placed to walk with you in your life's journey, opening our doors to meet your needs.
A significant part of our Christian life at Ss Philip & James is in supporting our community through what we call The Occasional Offices - services that mark out the journey of life. Those services are:
Baptism for children or adults
Funerals (both in the church or in other venues)
If you require any of these services, or a more informal encounter, please contact The Parish Office on 020 8898 2694 by emailing the office.The Vicar or a member of the Staff Team can guide you through the various processes that can be involved.