The Social Scene ...
This page is offers a list of the social and fellowship groups in the parish. Open to all!

Food and Fellowship
Food and Fellowship is a monthly gathering for those who enjoy a good meal out!
We choose a different restaurant each month, and a special menu is provided for us at a cost per head of £15.00. We vary the culinary delights each time, so join us for a fun evening sharing food and fellowship with friends.
Next meal: Tuesday 26th November
The contact for this group is Debby Johnson

Farmer's Market
As part of our original Hall Restoration fundraising effort, the Farmer's Market was born. This is a monthly produce Bring & Buy, where we bring home-made and home-grown goods for sale - and with any luck, to buy what has been supplied by others.
This is the place for good cake, preserves, young plants, herbs and spices and other things besides.
The Farmer's Market is after the 10am Service on the 3rd Sunday of the month. For further information please contact Mark and Debby Johnson by email